general disclaimer
This website is intended for informational and psychoeducational purposes only. The content on this website is not psychotherapy and is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical or mental health care. The content on this website does not provide any legal, financial, or medical services or advice, nor does it prevent, cure, or treat any medical or mental health conditions. All users of this website engage with this website at their own risk, and are responsible for their own physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Laura Sgro, LCSW does not take responsibility for any decisions, choices, actions, or results that occur after use of this website. Laura Sgro, LCSW disclaims any liability for your reliance on or response to any content contained in this website.
social media disclaimer
Laura Sgro, LCSW has professional social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook (@laurasgrolcsw).
Social media is not a substitute for psychotherapy, nor is it intended to be utilized as psychotherapy or as a replacement to a therapeutic relationship. Laura Sgro, LCSW social media pages are intended for marketing, entertainment, educational, product recommendations, and advocacy purposes only. The content on Laura Sgro, LCSW’s social media pages is not to be considered professional advice. In today’s technological climate, engagement with therapists and therapeutic content on social media is common, but should not be interpreted to be a therapeutic or professional relationship. In the event that a client decides to follow their therapist on their professional social media page(s), that should not be interpreted as having a relationship outside of therapy. While utilizing social media, all ethical and professional boundaries are to be honored and enforced.
Past, current, and potential clients risk breaching their own privacy and confidentiality by following, liking, commenting, and otherwise engaging on social media platforms with therapy professionals. If past, current, or potential clients decide to unfollow or otherwise disengage with Laura Sgro, LCSW’s content, that is completely okay and entirely their choice. Laura Sgro, LCSW will not follow, like, comment, friend request, engage in instant messaging, or otherwise engage in the social media pages of past or current clients. While past or current clients are welcome to follow Laura Sgro, LCSW’s social media pages, to protect prviacy and confidentiality, and to ensure professional and ethical boundaries, Laura Sgro, LCSW will not reciprocate. Laura Sgro, LCSW believes that adding clients as friends or contacts on these sites can compromise their confidentiality and both parties’ respective privacy, and may blur the boundaries of the therapeutic relationship.
Use of social media is not considered a confidential or protected means of communication. Social media is not an appropriate platform for sharing therapeutic concerns, questions, comments, or reaching out in crisis to your therapist or another therapy professional.
Laura Sgro, LCSW’s use of professional social media pages does not seek endorsement, testimonials, ratings, requests, or reviews from past or current clients. Laura Sgro, LCSW will not solicit any clients to follow, like, or engage with social media accounts. Any product recommendations, advertisements, affiliate marketing, or collaborations are outside of the scope of Laura Sgro, LCSW’s therapy practice, and are done as an individual person, Laura Sgro. Laura Sgro will disclose when she receives compensation as an affiliate, collaborator, or advertiser. Laura Sgro, LCSW will not sell or recommend products to clients in therapy sessions or seek them out online or outside of therapy to sell products to them.